Estetska (plastična) hirurgija, Srbija, najbolji plastični hirurzi, najpovoljnije cene operacija.

Minor surgical procedures | Minor surgical procedures

Minor surgical procedures

The best prices and the finest surgeons in the region. Big New Year discounts! Call us now!

What is minor surgical interventions?


The services we offer

About us

Prices and payment


Plastic surgery | Cash - directly at the clinic

Cash - directly at the clinic

Plastic surgery | Through a dinar or foreign currency account

Through a dinar or foreign currency account

Plastic surgery | RIA, Western Union or Moneygram

RIA, Western Union or Moneygram



Free consultations

Royal Plastic Surgery

Why choose us?

The best, most affordable and safest aesthetic clinic in Belgrade and Serbia.

Plastic surgery | Leading Serbian surgeons and specialists
Leading Serbian surgeons and specialists
Plastic surgery | The most modern equipment for aesthetic surgery
The most modern equipment for aesthetic surgery
Plastic surgery | 100% guarantee on all operations
100% guarantee on all operations
top surgeons and specialists
satisfied patients
years of work and experience
patients every day
Plastic surgery | Zašto da odaberete nas?

Free consultations

Would you like to schedule an appointment or consult with us? Contact us via Viber or WhatsApp 24/7.