Breast surgery, augmentation: Royal aesthetic surgery✓

Breast surgery | Breast surgery

Breast surgery

The best prices and the finest surgeons in the region. Big New Year discounts! Call us now!

What is breast surgery?

Services we offer

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Prices and payment

Breast augmentation

from  2.950 

Breast reduction

from  3.500 

Breast lift

from  3.200 


Plastic surgery | Cash - directly at the clinic

Cash - directly at the clinic

Plastic surgery | Through a dinar or foreign currency account

Through a dinar or foreign currency account

Plastic surgery | RIA, Western Union or Moneygram

RIA, Western Union or Moneygram


The cost of breast augmentation surgery ranges from 2,950 euros to 3,700 euros, depending on the complexity of the procedure. If breast augmentation and implant placement are performed, the cost of the surgery is 2,950 euros.

When booking an appointment, a 30% deposit of the total amount is required.

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from  4.059

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from  3.500

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from  4.500

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from  3.010

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from  3.600


If you are older than 18, are not satisfied with the size of your breasts and want to be more confident in your appearance, you should consider breast augmentation surgery. Breast augmentation is done by girls and women of different ages. Before the operation and making a definitive decision whether breast augmentation is a good choice for you, it is necessary to have an examination and consultation with a specialist in plastic and reconstructive surgery.

The price includes: surgery, all laboratory analyzes and one night's stay in the clinic. There are no additional or hidden costs.

Laboratory analyses, internal examination and EKG are performed at our clinic, a few hours before the surgery itself.

We install American Mentor implants, which are considered the best and highest quality implants in the world. Patients have a lifetime guarantee on them under normal living conditions and environment. The guarantee does not apply to physical injuries due to the use of force (for example fights, accidents with friends, falls, sports injuries and all other activities where there is a risk of injury).

Patients are operated on by one of our surgeons who have performed several thousand breast operations. Most of our surgeons are university professors. We can only tell you the exact name and surname of the surgeon who would operate on you once the appointment has been agreed upon and booked.

The operation usually lasts from 1 to 3 hours, depending on the complexity and type of operation.

The results of breast surgery are long-lasting. Over the years, the shape and size of the breasts can change due to aging, weight changes or pregnancy. The American company Mentor, whose implants we use, offers a lifetime warranty on them, but in some cases, after 10+ years, replacement of the implant or additional intervention may be required.

Most patients can return to light activities after a few days, while full recovery is expected within a few weeks. During this period, patients should avoid strenuous physical activity and wear specialized support vests (bras) provided at the clinic.

We use resorbable (biodegradable) surgical sutures during the operation, which do not need to be removed, but they themselves degrade over time. In our clinic, the highest quality resorbable PDS thread (Polydioxanone) is used. This synthetic monofilament thread is biocompatible, slowly resorbable type. PDS thread completely degrades after a few months. The mesonites in the PDS thread stimulate tissue reparation and regeneration processes, and also provide mechanical support, tissue suspension. This type of thread helps the regeneration and repair of the operated tissue.

After the operation and one night spent in the clinic, you are free to return home. We can also perform the control over the phone, and the surgical sutures we use during the operation do not come off.

After breast surgery, you must not drink alcoholic beverages or drive a car. That's why you need to organize your own transportation home after the operation to avoid additional difficulties. Cyclobenzaprine is one of the medications we recommend to reduce pain after surgery. This drug relaxes muscles and reduces pain, but must be used carefully as it can cause additional sedation. It is recommended that a painkiller be used for pain caused after surgery, and a relaxant be used as needed in case of pain in the shoulders, neck, spine, etc.

When it comes to antibiotics, the surgeon operating on the patient will prescribe a penicillin-based medicine if necessary, unless you are allergic. Antibiotics are administered five to ten days after surgery and protect you from additional infections, i.e. inflammation of the wound and surrounding tissue. After breast surgery, the patient should move. This refers primarily to evening walks, climbing stairs, standing and sitting. Movement reduces the possibility of thrombus formation. However, heavy lifting, active exercise, running, cycling, etc. are not allowed for the first three weeks after surgery. Nausea and vomiting may occur.

After the operation, the patient is obliged to wear a bandage that presses the chest or a special compression vest (bra) for the necessary support during recovery, which you get free of charge from us. The chief surgeon who operated on the patient prescribes how long the bandages and vest are worn. The bandages are usually removed a few days after the operation, while the compression vest is worn continuously for up to two weeks, and later occasionally as recommended by the surgeon.

There are two main types of implants: silicone gel and saline (saline) prostheses. Silicone implants are filled with a gel that gives a more natural feel, while saline implants are filled with sterile saline and are usually less expensive. The choice depends on the desired results and the recommendation of the surgeon.

Yes, a special bra is worn, and it is recommended to avoid sleeping on your stomach and strenuous activity during recovery.

Yes, anatomical implants (teardrop shaped) give a more natural look, while round ones give more volume in the upper part of the breast.

Yes, the size of the implant is chosen according to the body structure, the width of the chest and the wishes of the patient, but it must be in accordance with the recommendations of the surgeon. During the examination, the patient consults with the chief surgeon about all issues related to implants.

There are 3 types of breast surgery in our clinic - an incision under the breast, an incision under the armpit and an incision in the tissue around the nipples. Depending on the size and type of implant you have opted for, our team of surgeons will decide which incision is most suitable. All decisions regarding the incision position and implant placement are made by the chief surgeon in agreement with the patient, after detailed consultation and based on the patient's physical predispositions and habits.

The incision is usually hidden, so it is practically invisible.

Potential complications include infection, bleeding, scarring, capsular contracture (tightening of tissue around the implant), asymmetry, or problems with the implants. An experienced surgeon and adherence to postoperative instructions can significantly reduce the risk of complications.

Regular check-ups are recommended every few years, and imaging is occasionally required to check the condition of the implants.

Temporary loss of sensation in the nipples or breasts is possible, but usually returns within a few months after surgery. In rare cases, a permanent reduction in sensation may occur.

At first, the breasts may be swollen and high. The final shape is achieved after a few months when the implants are placed.

For many women, breast augmentation can improve self-confidence and a sense of satisfaction with their own appearance.

Yes, it is possible to perform a revision surgery and reduce the size of the implants or remove the implants completely.

Implants can make examination somewhat difficult, but experienced radiologists can use special examination techniques.

Most patients can start light activities after 2-3 weeks, while more intensive training is advised only after 4-6 weeks.

Yes, it is often combined with a breast lift, liposuction, or other plastic surgery procedures to achieve optimal results.

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Royal Plastic Surgery

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The best, most affordable and safest aesthetic clinic in Belgrade and Serbia.

Plastic surgery | Leading Serbian surgeons and specialists
Leading Serbian surgeons and specialists
Plastic surgery | The most modern equipment for aesthetic surgery
The most modern equipment for aesthetic surgery
Plastic surgery | 100% guarantee on all operations
100% guarantee on all operations
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