Liposuction of the knees, removal of fatty deposits: Aesthetic Surgery Royal✓

Knee liposuction | Knee liposuction

Knee liposuction

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What is knee liposuction?

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Knee liposuction

from  900 


Plastic surgery | Cash - directly at the clinic

Cash - directly at the clinic

Plastic surgery | Through a dinar or foreign currency account

Through a dinar or foreign currency account

Plastic surgery | RIA, Western Union or Moneygram

RIA, Western Union or Moneygram


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Candidates are people who have excess fat on their knees and want to improve the shape of their legs, but have not been able to get rid of that excess through exercise and diet .

During the operation, local or general anesthesia is used, so the patient does not feel pain. Postoperative pain is usually mild and can be alleviated with medication.

The price includes: surgery, all laboratory analyzes and one night stay in the clinic. There are no additional or hidden costs

During the operation, local or general anesthesia is used, so the patient does not feel pain. Postoperative pain is usually mild and can be alleviated with medication.

Patients are operated on by one of our surgeons who have several thousand breast operations. Most of our surgeons are professors at faculties. We can only tell you the exact name and surname of the surgeon who would operate on you once the appointment has been agreed upon and booked. 

The scars are minimal and usually hide in the natural folds of the skin, so they are almost invisible after recovery.

Recovery takes 1-2 weeks for daily activities, while more strenuous physical activities and exercises can be started after 4-6 weeks.

Yes, if the procedure is performed correctly, the results are natural and harmonious with the rest of the body, creating a harmonious shape of the legs.

Risks include infection, bleeding, bruising, asymmetry and uneven skin, but are rare if the surgery is performed by a specialist.

Usually up to 1-2 liters of fat is removed, but this depends on the specific needs of the patient and the desired result.

Knee liposuction can improve the appearance of the skin by removing fat, but it is not a specific treatment for cellulite. Cellulite requires other treatments.

Yes, liposuction of the knees is often combined with liposuction of other parts of the body, such as the hips, thighs or abdomen, to achieve a more even appearance.

The procedure usually lasts about 1 hour, depending on the scope of the operation.

Knee liposuction is safe when performed by a qualified surgeon under sterile conditions.

Yes, the results are permanent, but if the body weight increases, fat deposits can form again in that region.

It is recommended to avoid heavy physical activities for 4-6 weeks after the procedure, while light activities can be started after 2 weeks.

Knee liposuction does not affect functionality legs or the ability to move, because only the fatty tissue is removed, and the muscles remain intact.

Scars are usually small and hidden in the natural folds or lines of the skin, so they are not visible after recovery.

If the work is not physically demanding, patients can return to work after a few days, while for physically demanding work it is recommended to wait about 2-3 weeks.

Yes, knee liposuction is suitable for both women and men who want to shape the appearance of their legs.

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