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Treatment of cervical lesion | Treatment of cervical lesion

Treatment of cervical lesion

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Treatment of sores

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Cervical ulcer, or cervical erosion, is a condition in which sensitive and red spots appear on the cervix (opening of the uterus). This usually happens when healthy cells on the cervix are replaced by cells that come from the inner surface of the cervix (endocervical cells). Erosion can be natural or caused by infections, injuries or hormonal changes.

Cervical ulcer treatment depends on the cause and symptoms. In many cases, erosion resolves on its own. If therapy is needed, options include drugs, cryotherapy, laser treatment, electrocoagulation, or natural treatments such as herbal preparations and vaginal douches.

Cervical ulcer treatment is necessary if it causes symptoms such as bleeding between periods, unpleasant odor, pain during intercourse or changes in vaginal discharge. Also, if there is suspicion of HPV or more serious conditions, treatment is necessary.

In most cases, a cervical sore is not associated with cancer. However, if it is caused by HPV infection (especially high-risk strains of HPV), changes can occur that, if left untreated, can increase the risk of developing cervical cancer. That is why it is important to regularly perform a Pap test and an HPV test in order to monitor changes in the cervix.

Yes, in many cases a cervical sore can go away on its own, especially if it is not caused by infections or serious abnormalities. Hormonal changes during menstruation or pregnancy can also cause temporary changes on the cervix that go away after the hormonal balance stabilizes.

Although there is no sure way to completely prevent cervical cancer, some steps can reduce the risk, such as regular gynecological examinations and Pap smears for early detection, proper protection during sexual intercourse (use of condoms ) and maintaining the hygiene of the intimate area in order to avoid irritation.

Depending on the symptoms and the cause, the doctor will decide if treatment is needed. If the cervical ulcer is asymptomatic and not caused by infections, the doctor may decide to just monitor the condition and re-examine the woman after a few months. If there are symptoms or concerns about possible complications, treatment may be necessary.

Follow-up includes regular gynecological examinations and, if necessary, a repeat PAPA or HPV test. If the doctor suspects changes that could lead to cervical cancer, he will recommend further tests, such as a colposcopy (a detailed examination of the cervix under a microscope).

In most cases, a cervical ulcer does not affect fertility and is not an obstacle to pregnancy. However, if the sore is caused by an infection or if there is a serious abnormality on the cervix, it can affect fertility and pregnancy. In this case, the doctor will recommend the appropriate treatment or treatment.

Usual treatment of cervical ulcer, such as cryotherapy or laser treatment, is not recommended during pregnancy due to possible risks to the fetus. If a woman has a cervical ulcer during pregnancy, the doctor will monitor the condition and, if necessary, perform treatment after delivery.  

Cervical sores usually do not cause pain. However, in some cases it can cause discomfort, especially during sexual intercourse or when using tampons. If there is pain, it may be a sign of infection or other complications that require medical evaluation.

Cervical ulcer usually does not affect fertility. However, if it is caused by infections such as chlamydia or gonorrhea, or if there are serious changes to the cervix, it can increase the risk of infertility. Regular gynecological examination and treatment of infections can help prevent complications.

Cervical sores usually do not cause symptoms. However, in some cases it can cause bleeding between periods, increased vaginal discharge, unpleasant odor or pain during intercourse. If you have any of these symptoms, see your doctor.

Cervical ulcer is usually diagnosed during a gynecological examination. The doctor can use a speculum to examine the cervix and determine if there are changes on its surface. If necessary, the doctor can take a sample from the cervix for a Pap test or an HPV test.

Yes, in many cases a cervical ulcer can disappear on its own, especially if it is caused by hormonal changes, such as pregnancy or the use of contraception. If it is caused by an infection, treating the infection can help the wound heal.

If a cervical ulcer is not treated, it usually does not cause serious consequences, but it can increase the risk of infections, such as bacterial vaginosis or HPV. If it is caused by HPV infection, there may be an increased risk of developing precancerous changes on the cervix, which can lead to cancer.

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