Estetska (plastična) hirurgija, Srbija, najbolji plastični hirurzi, najpovoljnije cene operacija.

Plastic surgery |
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Answered: - 23. 05. 2024

After nose surgery, it is important to avoid pressure on the nose. If you must wear close-up glasses, I recommend that you consider wearing glasses with straps that go around the head, so that they do not put pressure on the nose. Also, contact lenses can be a good option until the nose is fully healed. If you wear standard glasses, you can put a soft support or pads under the glasses to reduce the pressure on the nose. 


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I had nose surgery four days ago, how long do I have to wear nasal tampons?


I am 28 years old and I am thinking about cosmetic nose surgery (rhinoplasty). What are the results of this operation, how long will I have to spend in the hospital, what is the postoperative course and when can I expect to return to work?


I broke my nose as a child, which is now crooked and makes it difficult for me to breathe on the right side. I am 25 years old and I am thinking about surgery. Is the surgery painful? Can you tell me more about the postoperative course and how long I will have to stay in the hospital?

Related questions

How to wear glasses after nose surgery?

Question asked: - 23. 05. 2024

After 3 weeks of nose surgery, I have to wear close-up glasses to work. How can I avoid it so that it does not cause problems on the nose. Is there any way.

Head and face

Plastic surgery |
Warning: Undefined variable $doctor in /www/webvol8/8t/tuz8ht965nsnjg5/ on line 176

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Answered: - 23. 05. 2024

After nose surgery, it is important to avoid pressure on the nose. If you must wear close-up glasses, I recommend that you consider wearing glasses with straps that go around the head, so that they do not put pressure on the nose. Also, contact lenses can be a good option until the nose is fully healed. If you wear standard glasses, you can put a soft support or pads under the glasses to reduce the pressure on the nose. 

Related questions


I had nose surgery four days ago, how long do I have to wear nasal tampons?


I am 28 years old and I am thinking about cosmetic nose surgery (rhinoplasty). What are the results of this operation, how long will I have to spend in the hospital, what is the postoperative course and when can I expect to return to work?


I broke my nose as a child, which is now crooked and makes it difficult for me to breathe on the right side. I am 25 years old and I am thinking about surgery. Is the surgery painful? Can you tell me more about the postoperative course and how long I will have to stay in the hospital?

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