Estetska (plastična) hirurgija, Srbija, najbolji plastični hirurzi, najpovoljnije cene operacija.

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Answered: - 23. 06. 2024

Difference in eye size, especially if associated with a drooping eyelid, can be caused by a variety of factors, including fatigue, eye strain or previous infections, such as š is Acanthamoeba. If a drooping eyelid (ptosis) is affecting your appearance and quality of life, there are several options for solving this problem.

First, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist to rule out any other health problems, especially if you are using drops for dry eyes. In some cases, surgical correction, such as blepharoplasty or eyelid lift, may be the solution. Also, exercises to strengthen the eyelid muscles, as well as the use of special drops or treatments, can help control symptoms.


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Droopy eyelid

Question asked: - 23. 06. 2024

I am 25 years old and a student. I use drops for dry eyes. One eye sometimes appears smaller, and occasionally the difference decreases, depending on sleep or computer work. What can I do for a droopy eyelid? Sometimes it's better, but sometimes it's not. I need help!

Head and face

Plastic surgery |
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Answered: - 23. 06. 2024

Difference in eye size, especially if associated with a drooping eyelid, can be caused by a variety of factors, including fatigue, eye strain or previous infections, such as š is Acanthamoeba. If a drooping eyelid (ptosis) is affecting your appearance and quality of life, there are several options for solving this problem.

First, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist to rule out any other health problems, especially if you are using drops for dry eyes. In some cases, surgical correction, such as blepharoplasty or eyelid lift, may be the solution. Also, exercises to strengthen the eyelid muscles, as well as the use of special drops or treatments, can help control symptoms.

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I had nose surgery four days ago, how long do I have to wear nasal tampons?


I am 28 years old and I am thinking about cosmetic nose surgery (rhinoplasty). What are the results of this operation, how long will I have to spend in the hospital, what is the postoperative course and when can I expect to return to work?


I broke my nose as a child, which is now crooked and makes it difficult for me to breathe on the right side. I am 25 years old and I am thinking about surgery. Is the surgery painful? Can you tell me more about the postoperative course and how long I will have to stay in the hospital?

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