Estetska (plastična) hirurgija, Srbija, najbolji plastični hirurzi, najpovoljnije cene operacija.

Plastic surgery |
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Answered: - 28. 01. 2024

Ear surgery, known as otoplasty, is usually safe and should not have a significant effect on your blood pressure, especially if the pressure is stable and under control It is important that you inform your surgeon about your low blood pressure during the consultation, so that he can take the necessary precautions.

During the operation, we will use local anesthesia or general anesthesia, depending on your needs and recommendations, and we will monitor your pressure to ensure safety during the procedure. Also, youš recovery will be gradual, and we will instruct you on how to properly monitor the condition after surgery, in order to reduce the risk of complications.

Since otoplasty is not too invasive and usually has a low risk, most patients with low pressure are able to tolerate it well. We will certainly carefully monitor your condition and provide all the necessary information so that you feel safe during the entire process.


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I broke my nose as a child, which is now crooked and makes it difficult for me to breathe on the right side. I am 25 years old and I am thinking about surgery. Is the surgery painful? Can you tell me more about the postoperative course and how long I will have to stay in the hospital?

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Does ear surgery affect low blood pressure

Question asked: - 28. 01. 2024

I am 43 years old and I am thinking about ear surgery for protruding ears. I have low blood pressure, so I'm wondering if the surgery will affect my blood pressure and how I will handle the procedure?

Head and face

Plastic surgery |
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Answered: - 28. 01. 2024

Ear surgery, known as otoplasty, is usually safe and should not have a significant effect on your blood pressure, especially if the pressure is stable and under control It is important that you inform your surgeon about your low blood pressure during the consultation, so that he can take the necessary precautions.

During the operation, we will use local anesthesia or general anesthesia, depending on your needs and recommendations, and we will monitor your pressure to ensure safety during the procedure. Also, youš recovery will be gradual, and we will instruct you on how to properly monitor the condition after surgery, in order to reduce the risk of complications.

Since otoplasty is not too invasive and usually has a low risk, most patients with low pressure are able to tolerate it well. We will certainly carefully monitor your condition and provide all the necessary information so that you feel safe during the entire process.

Related questions


I had nose surgery four days ago, how long do I have to wear nasal tampons?


I am 28 years old and I am thinking about cosmetic nose surgery (rhinoplasty). What are the results of this operation, how long will I have to spend in the hospital, what is the postoperative course and when can I expect to return to work?


I broke my nose as a child, which is now crooked and makes it difficult for me to breathe on the right side. I am 25 years old and I am thinking about surgery. Is the surgery painful? Can you tell me more about the postoperative course and how long I will have to stay in the hospital?

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