Estetska (plastična) hirurgija, Srbija, najbolji plastični hirurzi, najpovoljnije cene operacija.

Plastic surgery | Silicones in the chest. Which type of implant to choose?
Plastic surgery | Silicones in the chest. Which type of implant to choose?


Silicones in the chest. Which type of implant to choose?

Until recently, it was only a matter of shape - round or anatomical. Today there are implants with several types of silicone, soft, hard, oval or round bases, polyurethane implants and others. Polyurethane implants are popular with patients who want to continue active sports activities. This type of implant provides the feeling of natural breasts. Firm implants are chosen mostly by young girls. In any case, before deciding on one of the types of implants, it is necessary to consult with our doctors.

Royal Plastic Surgery

Why choose us?

The best, most affordable and safest aesthetic clinic in Belgrade and Serbia.

Plastic surgery | Leading Serbian surgeons and specialists
Leading Serbian surgeons and specialists
Plastic surgery | The most modern equipment for aesthetic surgery
The most modern equipment for aesthetic surgery
Plastic surgery | 100% guarantee on all operations
100% guarantee on all operations
top surgeons and specialists
satisfied patients
years of work and experience
patients every day
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